dinsdag 28 mei 2013


Today I was free in the afternoon, I just wanted to relax and have a little Me-time. I also bought new sunglasses when I was done working ^^. I thought they where really funky and it was the last one left so I had to buy it. Now I only have to wait for the sun! 

The sunglasses are from H&M for €6.95

woensdag 22 mei 2013

May favorites

I really likes these products, and I would recommend them to all of you guys ^^

the products: 

Mélene Bain bath oil €20,20
Mélene After bath       €16.50
Schwarzkopf Gliss kur 
Mélene Bain bubble bath € 17,50
Gillette Satin Care Olaz
Freeman Anti-stress mask €3,99
Rituals yogi flow shower gel €8,00
Wella pro series air mousse €4,99
Rituals Shanti chakra body oil €13,50
Maybelline fit me foundation (225) €11,99
Essence soft touch mousse (02 matt beige) €3,89
Catrice ultimate colour (060 oh juicy!)

I'm sorry but I don't know all the prices anymore 

donderdag 9 mei 2013


I just ate some yummy fruit! 


Last night I went for the first time to diedjies with my lovely dolls, I had a really great time! even I dind't stay that long ^^

zondag 5 mei 2013


I recently bought a handbag. and IT WAS LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT !! I was searching for handbag for months , I always waited too long and then they were sold out . I couldn't let this one slip trough my fingers, I had to buy it!


The brand of the new liptsick I wore was catrice. I really like that brand, is not that expensive and it's really good! As you already know I bought an orange one, but also a nude one ^^ I couldn't leave it to buy a nude one hihi

New lipstick

I recently bought a new lipstick, normally I use nude ones, but this time I thought maybe I should use something different. So a few days ago I bought myself a orange lipstick. The next day I had to rock it when I went to work. 

The Begin

Hay everyone, Today I thought maybe I should make a blog and see what happend. So let's the journey begin ^^